Baby MacKay is 15 weeks!!

Baby Growth:

Little Mack is roughly 4 inches long now and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces. He/she about doubled in size the past 2 weeks and is now about the size of a naval orange! There’s so many cool developments happening right now. Even though our baby’s eyelids are still fused shut, he/she can sense light! So if we were to shine a flashlight at my tummy, our baby would most likely move away from the beam. The baby’s taste buds are also forming now!

My Symptoms: I still have been feeling pretty great! Personally, I feel like I’m low on energy, but Justin thinks I have a lot more energy now, which brings me to the conclusion that I must have been pretty boring before. 🙂 haha I’ve been getting a bit of pain at random times in my lower abdomen and it literally feels like my uterus is stretching. I’m thinking baby Mack goes through a growth spurt whenever I feel that!

I also feel pretty thirsty all. the. time. I feel like I’m drinking a TON of water (also going to the bathroom very, very often), but maybe I’m not drinking as much as I think I am. I also still feel kind of moody, but I’m working on not letting it take control. haha I just started putting coconut oil on my belly to keep it moisturized and to prevent any stretch marks. Has anyone else done that? I love the smell and how smooth it is on my skin!

Weight: At our doctors appointment last week, my weight didn’t change, but I weighed myself at work earlier in the week and I was up 1 pound! I am ready for this belly!! I think I’m getting a very tiny little bump! Others might think differently, but I swear it’s there! Justin LOVES it. He keeps saying I have the pregnancy glow. Crazy kid. 😉

Gender: Justin and I are both thinking it’s a girl right now, but we’ll officially get to find out on April 8th at our 20 week appointment. We CANNOT wait!! We’ll be driving up to St. Louis the next day to spend the weekend with my sister and her husband and my parents will be driving down from Illinois, so we are planning on doing a little gender reveal. So, so excited to all find out at the same time together!

Maternity Clothes: I’m still wearing my normal clothes, but after I eat/drink a lot of water, my pants feel a lot tighter, which is pretty uncomfortable. Since I sit all day at work, I’ll usually have to unbutton my pants just to relieve some of the tightness. haha I think I’m good in the shirt department since I wear mostly baggy tops. Winning!

Cravings: Still pretty much nothing, except my friend Kathleen sent me a link to this AMAZING looking cake and for about a few hours that’s what I wanted. Here is a link to the deliciousness: amazing looking cake. I found out that they ship from New York too and I was allllll about ordering one until I got home and Justin and I watched the video on how to make it and I wasn’t feeling it anymore after I saw what was in it. Maybe I’ll get a cupcake or two this weekend though instead. 🙂

Work Outs: Finally getting my body to move a little!! My co-worker, Holly, and I have started working out 3 days a week during lunch. So far, so good!! We’re hoping the weather can warm up a bit so we can go outside. I’m tellin’ ya, I get out of breath so much quicker!

Best Pregnancy Moment This Week: We got to hear the baby’s heartbeat last week at our appointment!! It was beating at a strong 151! It was so cool getting to hear our little babes heartbeat. Can’t wait for our next appointment on March 25th! Can I just say I LOVE all of the midwives that we’ve met with so far? They are so sweet and so, so helpful. I love that I never feel rushed and they are very thorough during our appointments. I’m excited to meet the midwife at our next appointment because apparently she is always booked and requested to have. It’s nice getting to meet the different midwives just so we can build relationships with all of them in case our midwife isn’t available for delivery.

Goals for this week: Continue to work out at least 3 days a week. I might be getting ahead of myself, but perhaps spring clean the closets? Nail down our little baby moon trip.

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