Baby MacKay is 24 weeks!

Our little girl is 25 weeks tomorrow. Holy moly, it’s just flying by! 15 weeks left, say whhhat!

Baby Growth: Our little girl is about as big as a cantaloupe (give or take!). According to this week and, her-see through skin is gradually becoming more opaque and its got a new pink glow thanks to small capillaries that have recently formed. So neat to see how she’s growing and developing week to week. So many changes!!


My Symptoms: Gosh, I’m so thankful that I’ve been feeling great. Although, last week I was having some pretty bad stomach cramps/sharp pains and I got acid reflex for the first time. Yippee! I noticed it happens after I eat greasy food. Got to watch that because I DO NOT like the feeling of acid reflex (who does? haha) — holy cow, it’s horrible. 2 weeks ago when Justin and I were at Lowes looking for paint, I felt like I was going to pass out. This girl has to drink A LOT more water. No bueno, no bueno.

Weight/Belly: At my last appointment on Wednesday, we are up 13-14ish pounds! Grow baby grow!


Maternity Clothes: Justin took me to get a new pair of pants and a comfy t-shirt yesterday because I guess wearing the same pair of pants everyday isn’t cutting it? haha 🙂 (and yes I am wearing this outfit currently haha) There were NO pants that were longs, so these floods will just have to be rolled up when I wear them. So comfy!

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Gender: Sweet baby girl! We are 100% sure on her name, but still figuring out how to spell it. 🙂

Movement: We’ve got the next karate kid. SUPER active.

Sleep: Still tossing and turning a bit, but last night I slept like a rock! Justin has the luxury of taking SleepWorks, but it’s okay, I’ve been managing without it. 🙂

Cravings: I’ve been wanting everything when I see it. This is a conversation with Justin when we are planning on going out to eat, “Let’s get Pluckers. No, how about Fat Cow? Want to go to Whole Foods – Pho sounds REALLY good! Or would you rather do Rama House? I think I’ll just have a cupcake.” So, so random. I’m very indecisive as you can tell. haha

Work Outs: Welllllllllll, this area of my life has been pretty non-existent for about 3 weeks. I do plan on getting a membership to the Y because it’s been either SO hot or rainy to be able to work out outside. When I do work out outside, I usually come back to work pretty drained, so working out in the AC will be very, very nice. I feel so much better when I do a little work out. I sleep better, I have more energy, and I eat better as well.

Best Pregnancy Moment This Week: So much! Painting the baby’s room!!! LOVE how the color turned out – light mint! Justin LOVES to talk to our baby girl and I swear every time he does, she’s always moving and kicking for him. It’s so sweet! We had an awesome check-up appointment on Wednesday. We found out a number of things that we are so relieved about since we’ve been praying specifically about these things. I don’t have to get the RhoGAM shot at our next appointment (my blood work came back RH- and we had to get Justin’s blood work done to see if we are compatible and he actually came back RH- as well, so no shot for me!!). Praise the Lord! Also, our midwife approved me of just getting my blood work done instead of doing the glucose test. I’ll just have to come in 2-3 times to check my blood sugar levels to make sure they are within good range. Also, Justin made me breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day. It’s still crazy to me that I’m going to be a mom!

Goals for this week: Again, drink. more. water. Justin has been eyeing my water to make sure that I’m never with an empty water bottle. Pretty thankful for that because I can go awhile without taking a sip. Get a gym membership. Get some little things done around the house – continue to spring clean the closets (I think I’m a hoarder. Or a sentimental hoarder at least. So. much. stuff). Have some fun with my parents because they are visiting us this Wednesday-Sunday!!! SO excited to see them and hug them!

Thoughts: I CANNOT wait to hold, squeeze, hug and kiss this little girl!! She is SO loved by so many people already. So thankful to have such supportive and positive people in our lives. Can’t wait to welcome her into this world!!

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